Jane Yeh

Certified Health Coach

Welcome! My name is Jane Yeh. I became a health coach after being blessed with having three healthy, happy babies. When I was pregnant with my first child, it became apparent that there is so much information that wasn’t shared during my traditional prenatal care visits.

I wanted to ensure that I was not just eating well, but optimally for the health and growth of my unborn baby. I was also fearful of labor, birth and how my body would recover afterwards since I had only heard negative birth experiences; many leading to unexpected medical interventions and postpartum depression.

I learned that the decisions we make, foods we eat, how we move our bodies, and especially, how we think affects our wellness and how our babies enter the world.

I am here to share all of the “I wish someone told me this” moments that occur during pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum so you can be prepared and excited for the incredible experience of becoming a mom.

How we live, move, eat and think during these precious months is up to us. Nurture your body and baby to give your little one the best start possible while creating lasting health to last a lifetime.

I live in San Francisco with my husband, three children and two dogs. When I’m not coaching, I love surfing, cooking, playing outdoors with my kids or finding a quiet place to practice yoga.

Thank you for being here, I am excited to embark on this journey with you!

With me by your side, choose to be the healthiest you through pregnancy and for life.