Thrive during pregnancy and into motherhood.

Welcome mama! Did you know that how you eat, move, live and think can give your baby the best start possible?

As a Certified Pregnancy Health and Wellness Coach, I use a holistic approach to helping women achieve optimal health during pregnancy. My goal is for you to thrive during this special time, create a healthy, nurturing environment for your growing baby and help prepare for an intentional labor and birth experience.





What does a pregnancy health coach do?

During pregnancy, the lives of women change dramatically. Are you overwhelmed trying to balance being pregnant with everything else in your life? Do you know how to eat optimally for your health and the growth of your baby? Does working out while pregnant sound like the last thing you want to do? Are you afraid of what labor and birth will be like?

My style of coaching will guide you to tap into your own intuitive wisdom, coupled with methods and solutions based on proven science. Pregnancy is a magical time. I would love to support you on this journey in hopes that together, we set the stage for you to have the healthiest pregnancy and postpartum experience you can imagine.

Would you like to learn to …

Have More Energy

Feel Less Stressed

Sleep Better

Feel Stronger

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